Saturday, October 9, 2010



The more the leader assumes responsibility for a task, the less subordinates will see it as their responsibility. And yet, as a subject, as initiator, as social, the human person needs to participate in some meaningful joint effort.
Below are methods for developing a shared responsibility team. Read them and on the next page, indicate the three methods that you. Feel are most required for your team.
Building mid sliming a vision: The group strives to formulate an aspiring statement of the core purpose of its work.
Simply asking the group: "How are we doing as a Team?" 'What do we do well?' 'Where are we weak?' Then planning accordingly.
Joint budget milking: Each section's budget is made available to the team and a joint meeting examines each budget.
Participation in problem solving, goal setting: Together teams set goals, and work through problems.
Physical Proximity: Members are close at hand; few walls and offices; co-location.trustworthy, dear and challenging goal. Policy of'rewards goes lo team as whole.' Loyally to the team and climate of trust. Open access to information; getting it to die front lines.
Pushing decisions towards the expertise: Leader pushes influence on decision towards member with the relevant expertise.
Team members chosen for competence and collaboration skills.
Choosing a multifunctional group: All functions relative lo purpose are represented; e.g., create, make, market.
"Think where man's glory most begins and ends and say my glory was I had such friends."


Managers can make life hell for their subordinates. Work is so important in our lives and self-understanding, that not to manage well the work of others might even be called the sin of mismanagement.
Part of the manager's function, job, and responsibility is continuous development of those under his or her leadership. Let it be-said of you that under your leadership people grew.
Work should develop us. Work should not diminish us, or make us less of a person. Years ago workers were treated as children, unequal. Today it rightly must be adult to adult. The human person is a subject, an actor, not a thing or an object.
Furthermore, managers should develop their people not just as persons or workers, but as managers. Today everyone has to have a managerial mind­set. Participation in planning, problem solving, and goal setting becomes more important than ever.
In fact, several surveys show that, apart from money, there are four related matters employees want but do not receive;
1.             An opportunity for growth.
2.      Help in planning their career
3.             Honest feedback on how they are doing. Remember that even the strongest egos respond to positive feedback when it is real.
4.             A boss that is open to disagreement.
To help your own efforts in developing your people, try this exorcise.
Exercise Look at each one of your people:
1.            What are his or her strengths?
2.            Are they i.e., their strengths being used at present?
3.            How could they be used? People like to do the things they are good at.
4.            What training or opportunity for growth could be arranged that would help both the organization and their own careers?
People should grow under leadership. Some tips:
1.  Learn their names. Everybody likes to be called by name.
2.            Have great expectations of them. Expectations sell – fulfill. Low expectation, low performance.
3.            Recognize good work. What you stroke is what you get. We all need affirmation.
4.            Listen. Ask for their suggestions. Need their needs.
5.            Have them participate in managing as much as possible.
6.            Insist on completed stall work.
7.            Being authentic yourself helps them to be authentic
8.            Confront those when their performance is unacceptable, but all the while show Thai you value them as persons.
9.            Remember you are communicating, most strongly through your behavior. Management, not speeches, is the message.
10.    Be clear about what you- want. Demand high standards and be relentless in pursuing them.
11. Watch your language. Avoid pejorative, sexist words, e.g., servant, fourth class; ward girl, lady doctor, and girl athlete.
12.    Walk around, be visible, and develop a sense of community and belonging. Work should humanize us.  People need to be involved in purposeful effort.
13. Be credible, trustworthy, and trusting. You can't lead others if you don’t have credibility.Do what you say you will do. Push responsibility down. Stick with your values and be absolutely dedicated to doing what is right.

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